Your Daily Dose

Welcome to my journal! This is the place where you'll get your Daily Doses of Dylin (8), A New Language called Jordyn (11) and the Mind Blowing Conversations with Tyler (12)!

Disclosure: YOU NEVER KNOW WHAT YOU'RE GOING TO READ!! Oh and my grammar stinks, but I don't really care. :)

Thursday, February 18, 2010

No worries, I had pillows at the bottom...

So I realize this probably isn't the smartest thing to publish if your kids come to my house... but this is my disclosure now... you just never know what we'll come up with to do at our home. Nothin' but fun here, beware!!!

No wonder...

No one could figure out how she was always winning the cleanest room award!
All this crap was under her bed!!
In "dumb mother defense"... she's always had a mattress on the floor because no matter how big the bed or as many pillows, she always fell off. She hasn't been in a bed with a frame for very long, I didn't know she knew there was room under there to stash her crap!

Ummm I think you have an issue....

Tyler told me he is running low on Axe Shampoo, Axe Shower Gel, Axe Deodorant, Axe Body Spray! Really Tyler? I wish Axe made toothpaste, we'd have the hygiene issue completely settled.

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Best birthday present EVER....

Chap stick, hotel shampoo & lotions, change, and a staple remover all wrapped up in a pajama shirt. She made my day!

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Callin' my Daddy's bluff...

Dylin has lost 3 linking cubes (behavior cubes) in school but clearly does not remember why?!!
Rick told her, "if you don't tell me why, I'm going to go call Mrs. Curtis."
(Normally this would be a scare tactic! Now with my child this is.... Dad, let me make you feel stupid.)
She raised up those eye brows, pointed her finger, waved her head and said, "You do not have her number!"
Rick said, "Yes I do!"
She said, "Oh really, then show me!"
p.s dylin dressed up and calls herself the "principal witch"... she is so asking for trouble at her school.

Ruler of she thinks!

Dylin told Tyler & Jordyn,
"Don't you even think you're coming into my bed... you are big kids and this is MINE,
sleep in your own room!!"
Where is she talking about?
MY BED!!!!