Your Daily Dose

Welcome to my journal! This is the place where you'll get your Daily Doses of Dylin (8), A New Language called Jordyn (11) and the Mind Blowing Conversations with Tyler (12)!

Disclosure: YOU NEVER KNOW WHAT YOU'RE GOING TO READ!! Oh and my grammar stinks, but I don't really care. :)

Sunday, April 11, 2010

No one can seriously be doing dishes?

Water running for a long period. Dishes clanking. 
No can be seriously doing dishes.
Oh but was I wrong. My 5 year old said, "Mommy, I wanted to do something nice for you."
Awwww, how adorable are you?
Lets see how they turn out.... she was squirting hand sanitizer on all the dishes before loading them. ;o)