Why did we declare Independence in 1776, when the Revolutionary War didn't end until 1783?
How did we know we were going to win the war?
(Please post your answers or if you don't have a blog account, email him at SpyTyCenname@aol.com. His Mama can never answer these bizzare questions)
Seriously, who thinks like this? He does not know all the answers to his questions, his little crazy brain comes up with stuff like this that doesn't make sense to him, (or anyone).
**The picture is of Tyler & his buddy August pointing to their Great American Challenge Stars. This is the 5th Grade challenge for the kids to memorize & recite the Preamble to the Constitution, The Gettysburg Address, write out States & Capitals, National Anthem, Pledge of Allegiance spelled correctly, and recite the Presidents of the U.S in order. If you didn't catch that, it is for 5th graders, he did it in 2nd grade!
I can brag, because I can not take any credit... He didn't get his smarts from his Mama.