Your Daily Dose

Welcome to my journal! This is the place where you'll get your Daily Doses of Dylin (8), A New Language called Jordyn (11) and the Mind Blowing Conversations with Tyler (12)!

Disclosure: YOU NEVER KNOW WHAT YOU'RE GOING TO READ!! Oh and my grammar stinks, but I don't really care. :)

Friday, September 26, 2008

Famous Prayers from Dylin & Jordyn

I know prayers are serious, but at our house you can hardly sit through a prayer

with out giggling or opening your eyes wide in disbelief......

Jordyn - '05 - Please bless that everyone will brush their teeth so we don't have so much bad breath in the world.

'05 - "We could have beans in our tacos, because beans are healthy for us" (we didn't even have either of those for dinner)

Dylin -for a long time we HAD to bless the mail box and that the mall won't ever go away!

Currently she is set on praying that Tyler & Jordyn will never go to the park & push kids off the swings. Ty & J keep asking, "Dylin why do you say that?" She reponds, "Well just incase you are thinking about doing it." (more like she's thinking about it)

Daily Dose of Dylin

Dylin just hit me!
I looked at her and she said, "cry mom."
I pretended to cry and she hugged me.
Then she says, "ask me why I hit you."
I said, "why did you hit me?"
She said, "cuz I love you."

Sunday, September 21, 2008

You are Quick Dylin!

Rick threw his shoe at Jordyn (jokingly) & Jordyn said, "Run Dylin!"

Dylin said, "Dont worry Jordyn, he only has one more!"

A New Language called Jordyn #2

Daddy, I love you so much I could O MOST (almost) criy!

Dylin had her first primary program today at church: Her part was "Praying & reading the scriptures daily." She did such a good job reciting her part. I'm sure that everyone enjoyed the head banging during the songs and swinging her dress around to where she nearly stumbled off the platform her class was on. Oh and sorry Ryder that Dylin picked & poked you. She said she was bored. (obviously, she looked like she was at a rock concert!)

But she obviously did gain something from it as:

Right now she is pretending she is at church and having jordyn be a kid in her sunbeam class. she is telling her to recite after her: "Reading & studying your scriptures Daily & I'm the perfect person in the whole wide world."and then you say " Heavenly Father died & these mean people put him on this hanger & blood was coming out of him." Wow!!! What do I say to that?

She is singing a song out loud right now, "When jesus died on the cross on the road." Jordyn told her it was a cross not a hanger. (good job Jordyn, glad she is listening at church!)

Friday, September 19, 2008

Sex & Baseball by: Tyler

I had been listening to talk radio & the next day when I turned the car on, the announcer said," the rise in teenage pregnancy & STD's." I quickly changed the station, but it was too late for Tyler. He had already absorbed that entire sentence. Two seconds later, "Mom, Why are teenagers having babies & what are STD's."
Luckily he was the only one in the car because this simple sentence turned into so much more!!

I don't believe in lying to your kids about sex. Just tell them how it is with as little as details, so they don't get the wrong information from friends. If you don't answer, they'll go look it up on the Internet.

So with that said, I replied, "well these teenagers aren't understanding the consequences in having pre-marital sex." "When you have sex, (yes I explained it) with random people or even one person you can get pregnant or spread or get a disease."
Tyler's response, "Has the President made an announcement about this, so parents & teenagers know?" It was so hard not to laugh, but I explained how it's been going on for many years & everyone is aware, kids just don't always listen.
Tyler couldn't stop there, it just wasn't enough information.
"Well Mom, how do you prevent getting pregnant & STD's if you want to have sex with just your wife or husband?"
So then we talked about condoms!
This conversation went on and on, but I'll skip to what happened later that night....

Rick got home, we were sitting eating dinner and I said, "Tyler tell Dad what you learned today." Tyler said, "Dad I learned about Sex, Condoms & STD's." Rick's jaw dropped & as he tried to compose himself he said, "Well Tyler what did you learn?"

Tyler said, (very composed) "well Dad imagine when you are playing baseball and you go out to the outfield and pretend someone just hit you a hard pop up, and say like you forgot your "GLOVE" you will be in big trouble! So Dad don't forget your GLOVE, when you go out to play ball!"

Rick and I turned to each other dying laughing, turned to Tyler and said, "WHAT!?! Tyler, are you talking about what I think you are talking about?" He giggled & said, "yep!" "The glove is like your condom." I said, "Where did you come up with that?" Tyler said, "If I want to remember anything, I make an analogy with baseball."

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Dylin's Prayer

"Heavenly Father, bless that I don't hit, kick, scream, yell, bite, and (opening her eyes & looking up at me), What else do I do Mom?!"

Poor Tyler & Jordyn, they deserve to go straight to Heaven ~ you guys are so patient!

Dylin Archives

'07 -
Me - "Dylin I'm going to go to jail if you don't put your seat belt on."
Dylin - "Mom, but I'll come visit you."

'07 - I was lecturing Dylin, down on her level, which us Mom's are told to do.
She was looking directly into my eyes, took her thumb & pointer & pinched my mouth shut,
got upclose to my face & said, "Just stop talking."

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

A bit of Tyler's archives

'04 Tyler said in our dinner prayer, " God, please bless for Mommy to fire the Toy Fairy.

(the toy fairy comes at night and what ever toys were not put away, he takes them to poor children)

'05 Tyler told us tonight that he was eating a bird, drinking a cow and wearing a sheep.

'05 Tyler also told us how he had an Asian woman speak to his school class the other day about her native country. He told us how he wanted to raise his hand and ask her why she eats cat and dog. LUCKILY he chose not to. Who told him that? Uncle Scott, Uncle David or Uncle Bob are my choice??

'06 when it comes to Jordyn we have determined she rather be a dog than a girl that has "babies squeezed out of a hole" & "a kid that has to go to school for 13 years." She is extremely sensitive about our dog Nala! Nala passed away 2 years ago & she still crys about it. Well back in 2005, we were sitting on our bed talking about family. I mentioned there are 5 of us, Jordyn quickly interupted and said no there's 6. We forgot to include Nala. Tyler had to quickly add in that Nala won't be around long since she is old and then we'll be back to 5. Of course Jordyn started to cry. As Rick and I try to console Jordyn as she's wimpering, " I don't want Nala to die." Tyler throws in once again, "We can bury her in the backyard Jordyn." The crys got louder. I said, "Tyler please stop." He said ok Jordyn, "what about burning Nala with fire to ashes, like Luke does to his father Darth Vader." Needless to say Jordyn didn't stop crying for 10 minutes. What a brother!

Just so you get an idea of how difficult Dylin is.... her pediatrician put her in time out today! oh, ya that went over well.

Saturday, September 13, 2008

A New language called Jordyn #1

This is Jordyn's new dog a shih tzu. Mrs. Johnson, is this why you had rip out your journal page & take it home day??
I lick my family, wet bawt you!
(how do you get lick & wet in the same sentence?!)

Official Blogger

I kept saying I wasn't going to blog. Who has time? Oh you mean you stay up into the wee-hours of the morning? Yep, you're addicted, I'm addicted. Don't know why. People, friends, family, strangers viewing your life. hmmm? Well we aren't that private anyway, so I guess it wouldn't matter. So Willow, you happy now?

Lets see, I'm warning you right grammer is awful. Everyone knows I do the art assignments with my kids, Rick does the homework. But hey you have to have a creative one in the family, so my talents are still needed.

I actually really wanted to write, to journal my daily doses of Dylin (4), the new language called Jordyn (7) & the mind blowing converstations with Tyler (8). So sit back, wear a pad incase you have a loose bladder, & enjoy our Daily Doses with the Cenname Family!