Your Daily Dose

Welcome to my journal! This is the place where you'll get your Daily Doses of Dylin (8), A New Language called Jordyn (11) and the Mind Blowing Conversations with Tyler (12)!

Disclosure: YOU NEVER KNOW WHAT YOU'RE GOING TO READ!! Oh and my grammar stinks, but I don't really care. :)

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

A bit of Tyler's archives

'04 Tyler said in our dinner prayer, " God, please bless for Mommy to fire the Toy Fairy.

(the toy fairy comes at night and what ever toys were not put away, he takes them to poor children)

'05 Tyler told us tonight that he was eating a bird, drinking a cow and wearing a sheep.

'05 Tyler also told us how he had an Asian woman speak to his school class the other day about her native country. He told us how he wanted to raise his hand and ask her why she eats cat and dog. LUCKILY he chose not to. Who told him that? Uncle Scott, Uncle David or Uncle Bob are my choice??

'06 when it comes to Jordyn we have determined she rather be a dog than a girl that has "babies squeezed out of a hole" & "a kid that has to go to school for 13 years." She is extremely sensitive about our dog Nala! Nala passed away 2 years ago & she still crys about it. Well back in 2005, we were sitting on our bed talking about family. I mentioned there are 5 of us, Jordyn quickly interupted and said no there's 6. We forgot to include Nala. Tyler had to quickly add in that Nala won't be around long since she is old and then we'll be back to 5. Of course Jordyn started to cry. As Rick and I try to console Jordyn as she's wimpering, " I don't want Nala to die." Tyler throws in once again, "We can bury her in the backyard Jordyn." The crys got louder. I said, "Tyler please stop." He said ok Jordyn, "what about burning Nala with fire to ashes, like Luke does to his father Darth Vader." Needless to say Jordyn didn't stop crying for 10 minutes. What a brother!