Friday, September 19, 2008
Sex & Baseball by: Tyler
I had been listening to talk radio & the next day when I turned the car on, the announcer said," the rise in teenage pregnancy & STD's." I quickly changed the station, but it was too late for Tyler. He had already absorbed that entire sentence. Two seconds later, "Mom, Why are teenagers having babies & what are STD's."
Luckily he was the only one in the car because this simple sentence turned into so much more!!
I don't believe in lying to your kids about sex. Just tell them how it is with as little as details, so they don't get the wrong information from friends. If you don't answer, they'll go look it up on the Internet.
So with that said, I replied, "well these teenagers aren't understanding the consequences in having pre-marital sex." "When you have sex, (yes I explained it) with random people or even one person you can get pregnant or spread or get a disease."
Tyler's response, "Has the President made an announcement about this, so parents & teenagers know?" It was so hard not to laugh, but I explained how it's been going on for many years & everyone is aware, kids just don't always listen.
Tyler couldn't stop there, it just wasn't enough information.
"Well Mom, how do you prevent getting pregnant & STD's if you want to have sex with just your wife or husband?"
So then we talked about condoms!
This conversation went on and on, but I'll skip to what happened later that night....
Rick got home, we were sitting eating dinner and I said, "Tyler tell Dad what you learned today." Tyler said, "Dad I learned about Sex, Condoms & STD's." Rick's jaw dropped & as he tried to compose himself he said, "Well Tyler what did you learn?"
Tyler said, (very composed) "well Dad imagine when you are playing baseball and you go out to the outfield and pretend someone just hit you a hard pop up, and say like you forgot your "GLOVE" you will be in big trouble! So Dad don't forget your GLOVE, when you go out to play ball!"
Rick and I turned to each other dying laughing, turned to Tyler and said, "WHAT!?! Tyler, are you talking about what I think you are talking about?" He giggled & said, "yep!" "The glove is like your condom." I said, "Where did you come up with that?" Tyler said, "If I want to remember anything, I make an analogy with baseball."