I kept saying I wasn't going to blog. Who has time? Oh you mean you stay up into the wee-hours of the morning? Yep, you're addicted, I'm addicted. Don't know why. People, friends, family, strangers viewing your life. hmmm? Well we aren't that private anyway, so I guess it wouldn't matter. So Willow, you happy now?
Lets see, I'm warning you right off...my grammer is awful. Everyone knows I do the art assignments with my kids, Rick does the homework. But hey you have to have a creative one in the family, so my talents are still needed.
I actually really wanted to write, to journal my daily doses of Dylin (4), the new language called Jordyn (7) & the mind blowing converstations with Tyler (8). So sit back, wear a pad incase you have a loose bladder, & enjoy our Daily Doses with the Cenname Family!