Fevers won't go below 102, running around with lysol in one hand, grabbing Dylin with a 5 second warning as I superman her over to the toilet, holding hair for your daughter as she throws up, clorox wiping everything, medicine, cold rags, bath after bath to clean up throw up & cool her down, wimpering, "Mommy Mommy Mommy", more medicine with tears & mixing it with smoothie to get it down, hoping it stays down long enough for her little body to absorb it before she hurls again, and on top of that.... she sees pillows alive, her fan is a TV and if you pull the chain the channels change. I have green spots on my face & green monsters are coming out of the bed. As much as I wanted to scream, Dylin told me over 10 times today that she loves me & that's all I needed to get me through this day. =)
Dyl ready to try her tamiflu mixed in smoothie,
hoping it'll be better than the first dose without anything......
Um, ya, totally didn't help....