Your Daily Dose

Welcome to my journal! This is the place where you'll get your Daily Doses of Dylin (8), A New Language called Jordyn (11) and the Mind Blowing Conversations with Tyler (12)!

Disclosure: YOU NEVER KNOW WHAT YOU'RE GOING TO READ!! Oh and my grammar stinks, but I don't really care. :)

Friday, October 23, 2009

Motherhood is never easy, but so worth it!!!

Fevers won't go below 102, running around with lysol in one hand, grabbing Dylin with a 5 second warning as I superman her over to the toilet, holding hair for your daughter as she throws up, clorox wiping everything, medicine, cold rags, bath after bath to clean up throw up & cool her down, wimpering, "Mommy Mommy Mommy", more medicine with tears & mixing it with smoothie to get it down, hoping it stays down long enough for her little body to absorb it before she hurls again, and on top of that.... she sees pillows alive, her fan is a TV and if you pull the chain the channels change. I have green spots on my face & green monsters are coming out of the bed. As much as I wanted to scream, Dylin told me over 10 times today that she loves me & that's all I needed to get me through this day. =)
Dyl ready to try her tamiflu mixed in smoothie,
hoping it'll be better than the first dose without anything......

Um, ya, totally didn't help....

Mother Monkey at it again...

If you don't already know... you will never see dirty nails on my kids, ear wax in their ears, and as much as I try at least my girls will not have boogers. Tyler is a lost cause. I even have actual dentist tools to pick at their teeth. I trained them well, they love to lay and watch TV while I pick at them.
I never thought I'd be able to top my dentist tools, but oh I did & boy was I so excited.
CVS didn't have our meds ready, so I wandered. This is asking for trouble. I found the nedi-pot. If you didn't see this on Oprah, you may not know what it is. When I saw this on the shelf, my heart started pumping, I was dying to get home & shove this up one of my kids noses. To be honest, I knew I wouldn't do this to myself, but was very eager to use it on my kids.
A nedi-pot looks like a genie bottle. You add warm water & salt saline solution. You stick the nozzle in one nostril and pour it up your nose. The water goes up in your sinuses & comes out the other nostril. Doesn't that sound so funny! It cleans out everything & will help get rid of the germs up their nose. I talked to the pharmacist about it & he said, "really, your kids will let you?" I said, "my girls will probably scream at me but my son will totally laugh & be excited to try it." Sure enough, that was exactly what happened.
I wanted to get pictures of the water coming out, but this was the best we got... for now. This isn't a faze that's going away quite yet. Oh and by the way, Tyler said this is the best he has ever been able to breathe. See I'm not mean, I helped him out! =)
If you think this is funny, you need to read the story on when Tyler let me tape his butt hole to check for pin worms..... (on the right side of my blog, under labels, click on "Mind blowing conversations with Tyler." You'll find his Tape Worm story.)

Just another bump in the road!

Dylin has H1N1. It came on very suddenly. She spiked a high fever, screamed her legs were hurting & she began hallucinating. It was quite scary. She started tamiflu last night & now we just have the problem of keeping her fever down. She can only take Tylenol because of her PKD. She's a trooper, as always!
Aren't those eyes amazing!

Monday, October 19, 2009

Why I haven't blogged daily...

After 4-5 days a week in baseball.... we came in 2nd again. =( Tyler hung in there tough, through all his health battles and kicked some rear on the pitchers mound!! He has also started to play 2nd. He still loves short & 3rd, but is liking the change up. We have all but about a 2 week break before another tournament. ahhh!
Jordyn's softball takes up the other 3 days. Doesn't she look so cute at catcher?!
Pink gear is a must!
This is Dylin in the school's Harvest Run. For a little girl that shouldn't be alive... the little firecracker placed 10th in the Kindergarten race!!! She continues to surpass all expectations & makes my world go round daily. =)

This is my niece Hadlee. She explains how I feel.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

More Costume Ideas

Dylin told Rick she had a better idea for his Halloween costume.

Now she says that he could be Paul Blart Mall Cop because he looks like him.

She also excitingly pulled out behind her back a Hello Kitty bandaide and said, "See Daddy, you can be just like him and when you get hurt like him, you can put your bandaide on."

Rick feels great that Dylin has him pegged as a fat wuss.

Monday, October 5, 2009


Me - "Dylin we have to leave go to the bathroom!"
Dylin - "I don't have to go!"
Me - "Dylin we are going across town for baseball & I'm not taking you in those nasty bathrooms, go to the bathroom."