We're ordering food at Panera this morning...
Dylin decides for no reason (not like she ever has a reason to do any of the stuff she does) to punch me over and over again.
I looked down at her in the middle of ordering and said, "Hit me again and see what happens!"
Hello... we're talking about Dylin, of course she hit me again!
I finished with the cashier, grabbed her by the arm and dragged her aside...
she said, "WAIT DON'T BEAT ME....I HAVE A GOOD REASON WHY I HIT YOU!" (No, I don't beat my kids, although everyone at Panera thinks I do now).
I said, "Go ahead, let me hear this one..."
Dylin says in her little cutie patootie voice...."Mom I was giving you love taps, and if
someone hits you lightly it only means they love you a little but if someone hits you
hard it means they love you A LOT!"
Are you serious???!!! I'm blown away daily by the process of manipulation by a FIVE year old!