Your Daily Dose

Welcome to my journal! This is the place where you'll get your Daily Doses of Dylin (8), A New Language called Jordyn (11) and the Mind Blowing Conversations with Tyler (12)!

Disclosure: YOU NEVER KNOW WHAT YOU'RE GOING TO READ!! Oh and my grammar stinks, but I don't really care. :)

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Don't be mean to sick kids!

Dylin - "People can't be mean to sick kids and you're being mean by telling me what to wear."
Me - (I thought she was pulling the PKD card but...) "What? You are not sick?!"
Dylin - "Ummmm Yessss! I had boogers this morning!"
Me - "Dylin it's cold, we have to leave...I'm not being mean just hurry!"

Dylin proceeds to stare straight into my eyes with a nasty look on her face and gives me sign language....

(shaking her finger back n forth)
(Take this one the way you want, is this a death threat?)
As she waved her head around with the painted snotty look on her face.... she answered quietly but very direct, "Don't mess with me!"