Dylin told me this morning that she wasn't getting out of bed to get ready for school because, "I want to stay with you and be ALL UP IN YOUR BUSINESS!"
Isn't it funny when you listen to a song and don't exactly understand the words.... Jordyn thought tonight when we watched Dancing with the Stars.... "Watch your Body" was "Wash your potty!" She said, "why would they remind you to wash your potty on a singing and dancing show?"
I love driving in the car with just one kid and having one on one time.... you learn a lot of hilarious information! Like tonight.....
Dylin - "Mom how old are you?"
Me - "31."
Dylin - "Is that old?"
Me - "NO!"
Dylin - "Well I don't want to be old, I just want to turn 21 and stay 21."
Me - "I think everyone does, but why do you?"
Dylin - "Because then I can go with Grandma to Bingo at Sunset Station."