Your Daily Dose

Welcome to my journal! This is the place where you'll get your Daily Doses of Dylin (8), A New Language called Jordyn (11) and the Mind Blowing Conversations with Tyler (12)!

Disclosure: YOU NEVER KNOW WHAT YOU'RE GOING TO READ!! Oh and my grammar stinks, but I don't really care. :)

Monday, December 28, 2009

Belated Merry Christmas!!

I knew exactly where I wanted the picture taken... drove right up, jumped out and was there less than 5 minutes! No money needed for even the parking meter.. Good job kids, love them!!!

Daily Dose of Dylin

Dylin came home from California and gave us some gifts. She had wrapped up grocery store discount cards. We hugged her and told her how cool they were and made her feel proud... but did you think there wasn't a hidden agenda to go along with this!! She said, "well since all of you got to open a present, don't I get to?" Just as she said that, there was a knock at the door. It was the UPS man delivering gifts from relatives in PA. We decided she could open that gift. She was so excited and tore into it.... but as soon as she saw clothes, she yelled, "THIS DOESN'T COUNT!"

For the next hour she continued to beg for another gift and even went to the extreme by laying on the couch moaning. She then held up two fingers and said, "My tummy hurts and there are only two things that will make it feel better... tums & opening a gift!"

Rick proceeded to try and get her off the subject and asked, "Dylin what was it that you wanted for Christmas?"
Dylin replied in her sarcastic little voice, "Um it starts with an I and ends with a PHONE!"
and then completed the conversation with rolling her eyes.

Some how, she gave up!

Catch up!

After arranging over 200 needy kids Christmas, along with my own Christmas, throwing in silly things to do to keep these kids busy and catching sleep when ever I could....
blogging wasn't a priority!!!

We usually make cookie trains every year, but we decided to try something new... never again! They were supposed to look like this...

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Winter Wonderland

Sledding in Mt. Charleston!

Don't think this is going to work...
Um, nope it didn't... but Dylin figured why she was down, she'd have a taste of snow...
Kyle (with Reed under the jump)...

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Winter Wonderland Big Laugh...

I'll save you a trip!!! Isn't this the most hilarious & embarrassing tree. The hype was to go see the tallest in the world or maybe it was just the U.S, anyhow... so lame... it's like a tall weed. Total desert Vegas tree. (actually these pictures look better than it really looks... go check it out if you want a good laugh.. at the M Hotel)

Baking with Jordyn

We all know Jordyn is just like me! Us two together making cookies, following directions could be quite the show....
I was "trying" to teach her measurements so I told her she needs 3 tsps of baking soda... she proceeded to look through the drawer to find the teaspoon. I explained what the abbreviation for tsp and I saw her pick up a spoon, but then a minute later, she was still looking. I asked, "J, didn't you find the spoon?" She said, "Yes, but I only found one, I'm still looking for two more!"

Reminds me of when my Dad told my friend Lisa Thompson-Fama (yes had to throw in the whole name, ha ha) to go "un plug" the toilet.... we went looking for an actual plug & outlet in the back of the toilet. (this was in high school!)

Daily Dose of Dylin

This morning while getting ready to go sledding.... Dylin put her long underwear on and said, "Mom, look at this cool pocket that they put in my pants, you can put stuff in here!"

More Winter Wonderland

Forget counting the days... we are skipping all over the place... kids in and out of town... waiting for pictures... so forgive me... it's the Holidays!

Jordyn with her cousins Aleeya & Makenna... at Nana & Papa's in St. George...

Friday, December 11, 2009

The official New York Yankees Tree...

quite dinky and we're working on filling it up... but like the expensive roster, so are the ornaments. (ha ha)

Days 7,8,9,10,11 Winter Wonderland

I just suck, no other word for it... it's just too cold... we have been doing the following each day...
playing video games...
making cookies....
having lots of fashion shows...
visiting amazing trees for a split second, just to grab a picture and run back inside...
stopping for hot chocolate after practice... really?... who has practice in this weather...oh wait that would be the Wildcats... better win our tournament this weekend!!!
and oh-joyous.... this is jake "goldberg" & tyler "shwartz" saluting Happy Hanukkah to ya'll... with some home made Yamaka's.... (that's about as crafty as we've gotten around here)

Monday, December 7, 2009

Days 4,5 & 6 Winter Wonderland

I haven't been able to blog the last few days because we have been busy having our Winter Wonderland in Utah. My parents surprised my kids and took us to Salt Lake soon after arriving to St. George. We spent the weekend there and had plenty of things to do that fell perfect into our Winter Wonderland theme....

This is at Thanksgiving Point....
The Gateway in Salt Lake....

Outside of our hotel...

LDS Temple visitors center.... GORGEOUS!....
NOW this is what I'd like to have as our 8th tree in our home.....
This was in the conference building. After submitting a request for the past few Mom was chosen to receive tickets to the 1st Presidency Christmas Devotional.
Who would want to string those lights?.... so glad they did though!