If you have checked out Dylin's site, you've noticed it hasn't been updated for quite sometime. For some reason the password doesn't work and the system has been locked to get in and update it. Don't know what to do!!!
But I'm not letting it keep us from moving forward with her foundation. We are spreading the word about PKD in many ways and hopefully these ways will lead everyone to a site that is working!!! In our 7 years in dealing with Polycystic Kidney Disease (PKD), we have learned that hardly anyone is familiar with this incurable disease.
I have been playing around with drawing up a logo for Dylin's site & to print on shirts.
We are also partnering with the Josh Steven's Foundation. Please go to their site and read about Josh's story. http://www.joshstevensfoundation.org/ (Joshi's Park, is the park we played at for J Day during the ABC Adventures). Josh's family has come up with a way to honor kids that "are caught" performing kind acts. They also sell BE KIND shirts with messages on the back that read .... it's contagious or .... Hit's a hit! Now there are over 50 schools that have BE KIND shirts sold in their schools and each school has their own slogan that follows the BE KIND.... (on the front) with their own message on the back. Our school recently came on board and my message was chosen for the back. It says, BE KIND.... It always returns!
Dylin will soon have her own BE KIND shirts. We have a slogan picked and ready to go, but it's a secret!!
We will announce & introduce the shirts on the blog. They sell for $10 and the profits will split between Josh's & Dylin's Foundations.
So keep checking back!!!! ;o)