Your Daily Dose

Welcome to my journal! This is the place where you'll get your Daily Doses of Dylin (8), A New Language called Jordyn (11) and the Mind Blowing Conversations with Tyler (12)!

Disclosure: YOU NEVER KNOW WHAT YOU'RE GOING TO READ!! Oh and my grammar stinks, but I don't really care. :)

Sunday, September 26, 2010

President & Vice President speeches for student council

These were the kids speeches. They did an amazing job in front of the entire school.
Jordyn's theme being with sweets, she had her friend Spencer hold up candy that had to do with her speech. It was so cute!

Hi, I'm Jordyn & I'm on a sugar rush to get your vote for Vice President!

I'm sweet, kind and never complaining like SUGAR BABY!!
I am MOUNDS of fun, full of laughter (laffy taffy) and even a little nutty (nutts)
I'll be on time to meetings and help where ever I am needed, especially in a CRUNCH!!
I am like a bag of SKITTLES... full of color with creative ideas!!
I will spend EXTRA (extra gum) time getting to know all of you and your thoughts for a better school!
I am excited to work closely with my PEEPS, Mrs. Coloma (Baby Ruth) and Mr. Hinchliffe (Mr. Goodbar).
I know as your Vice President, there will be many GOOD & PLENTY memories this 2010-2011 year!!
Be a SMARTIE, don't be an AIRHEAD and forget my name.
Remember Sugar and Spice and all that is Nice,
VOTE Jordyn for VICE

Tyler, well he was a little more difficult. I had 5 suggestions & his Papa Mike even wrote one up for him. He is in that embarissing stage, so to find something funny and make it memorable was a little hard. BUT he did finally agree to this one. (and he even used quite a bit of enthusiasm in his speech)

Ever heard of the slogan, GOT MILK? Well, You've GOT TYLER!

T is for a TRUSTWORTHY TITAN. I have been a student here at _________ since I was in Kindergarten. I have served most of you as student council rep for 3 years and I was the Vice President last year. I AM ready to be your President!

Y is for YO YO YO - I am YOUR candidate to serve YOU! I will listen to your ideas and together we will help keep our school number one!

L is for LEADERSHIP - I am a positive leader that is easy to work with and cares about my school, my family and my friends! You can count on me!

E is for EXAMPLE - I will lead this school by being a good EXAMPLE to all. I stand for truth and right, while having a little bit of fun.

R is for RESPONSIBLE - I am a responsible 10 year old that will take my role as President seriously. I will attend all of my meetings, maintain A honor roll, work with my advisors and fellow students to build a strong student council.

Remember Vote TYLER for President!

Thank you and see you in the White House!