Dylin and Camryn were made from the same mold. They fight like sisters but want to be around each other all day long, everyday. Today they were supposed to share a water bottle in the car, when I hear Dylin yell at Camryn for giving her a nasty look. I asked Camryn what Dylin did. She said, "Dylin didn't share the water with me." Dylin said, "Well I was thirsty." When we got home, I put Dylin in time out and told her that she has to stop being so mean to everyone or at school, all the parents are going to say that their kids can't play with that bad girl Dylin. She said, "Well I didn't mean to be mean today to Camryn, I forgot to look at my schedule." I said, "Oh and what schedule is that?" Dylin replied, "Well I keep a schedule hidden in my closet and each day I look at it to see if it's my nice day or mean day and I forgot to look at it today." I said, "well then why don't you just choose to be nice everyday?" She said, "Well then if I was nice everyday, I wouldn't need a schedule."