Your Daily Dose

Welcome to my journal! This is the place where you'll get your Daily Doses of Dylin (8), A New Language called Jordyn (11) and the Mind Blowing Conversations with Tyler (12)!

Disclosure: YOU NEVER KNOW WHAT YOU'RE GOING TO READ!! Oh and my grammar stinks, but I don't really care. :)

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Chelsi's Run

Last night was Chelsi's 5K Run. It was a bitter-sweet night. Several hundred attended to raise money for the Chelsi Petersen Memorial fund.  The funds are used for scholarships given to High school track atlhletes.

My sister Robin & I
Chelsi's Dad Bill putting a glow necklace on Jordyn
Us with Chelsi's Mom Lisa, such a strong woman!
We miss you Chelsi!