Your Daily Dose

Welcome to my journal! This is the place where you'll get your Daily Doses of Dylin (8), A New Language called Jordyn (11) and the Mind Blowing Conversations with Tyler (12)!

Disclosure: YOU NEVER KNOW WHAT YOU'RE GOING TO READ!! Oh and my grammar stinks, but I don't really care. :)

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

It's discipline time... Kristin's way!

Nothing bugs me more than kids fighting, hurting each other, and the whining.
I'm done.
Over it!
I was thinking of ways to punish them, even when you hear the first whine. I'm just as tired yelling at them.
So I came up with a plan. I likey my plan.
Every time there is an issue, I make them go pull a strip of paper from the "Punishment Jar."
Read all of them. Some are sincere, some will create laughs and groans. They'll give you good ideas! I can't wait for this to start in the morning. I almost want them to hurt each other just so I have the opportunity to film Tyler singing "Jesus wants me for a Sun Beam" while pulling weeds in the front yard. This is going to be fun!

Clean out Tahoe

Organize pantry in alphabetical order
Pull weeds in back yard for 10 minutes & say out loud “I love to pull weeds.”
Rub Mom’s feet for 10 minutes and do, ‘this little piggy’ to her.
Clean a sibling’s room
Wipe down 2 toilet seats
Clean a bathroom mirror while singing any Black Eyed Peas Song.
You are free but this is a WARNING!
Vacuum Macy’s crumbs up
Host FHE and give a lesson on your infraction
Give everyone in the house right now a hug and say, “I will be the best child from now on.” (with lots of enthusiasm)
Write a letter to someone who has done a service for me and thank them.
Write a 100 word essay on how I’m going to make this world a better place.
Find 5 matches in the crazy missing sock drawer
Brush Mom’s hair for 10 minutes while I’ll tell her how thankful I am for her working so hard.
Rub mom’s head for 10 minutes while I tell her I am thankful she cleans up after me 200 times a day.
Clean out junk drawers
Lip Sync a song, and we get to video it and post on you tube
Clean the sliding glass door with a GIANT smile!
You are free but this is a WARNING!
Tell my siblings 3 things I love about them.
Write 50 times … (whatever my infraction was)
Do 25 jumping jacks while singing, “I am a cleaning machine.”
Run around the house for 1 minute and see how many things you can pick up and put away.
Draw a picture of you picking up things and your mom smiling BIG!
Make up a song about a clean house and perform it in front of your family.
Make your bed blindfolded.
Do research on the computer about how to clean with baking soda.
While hopping on one foot, wipe the kitchen counters off.
Choose 2 items of yours to donate to Goodwill.
Hand wash 3 dishes
Scrub my own toilet while singing, ‘whistle while you work’.
Pick up room, do a somersault on the bed and beg your mother for forgiveness.
Sweep back patio & sing “I’m trying to be like Jesus.”
Design a machine on paper that cleans the whole house and gets you ready for the day.
Water the trees in the front yard & sing, “Jesus wants me for a Sunbeam”
Tell us the story, ‘the boy who cried wolf.”
Organize Mom’s shoes.