Your Daily Dose

Welcome to my journal! This is the place where you'll get your Daily Doses of Dylin (8), A New Language called Jordyn (11) and the Mind Blowing Conversations with Tyler (12)!

Disclosure: YOU NEVER KNOW WHAT YOU'RE GOING TO READ!! Oh and my grammar stinks, but I don't really care. :)

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Jordy, Oh my sweet Jordy...

Jordyn on crazy hair day...

I took my kids on Easter morning to see these crosses on a nearby hill. This is my favorite place to be.
It looks over the Valley.
I said to my kids, "Look at these crosses, I've never shown them to you. Isn't it beautiful up here?"
Jordyn said, "Mom, is this where Jesus died????"
Me: "Yes honey, he died on Anthem Hills."

I swear I take my kids to church.