Your Daily Dose

Welcome to my journal! This is the place where you'll get your Daily Doses of Dylin (8), A New Language called Jordyn (11) and the Mind Blowing Conversations with Tyler (12)!

Disclosure: YOU NEVER KNOW WHAT YOU'RE GOING TO READ!! Oh and my grammar stinks, but I don't really care. :)

Friday, August 28, 2009


I've been chewed out because:
1. I don't have my Dylin blue sign to raise in the air for pick up. (I didn't even know about it, Rick went to her class for the meet n greet, do you think he passed on any information!)
2. "We need to move right away far from the school, cause I want to ride the bus!"
3. "Um NEVER give me two sandwiches again in my lunch, take one out and put another snack!" (okay it wasn't 2, it was 1 cut in 1/2)
4. "This uniform thing is NOT working for me. They aren't even cute and naby (navy) blue isn't a good girl color."
5. "Why don't I have a school lunch credit card?" "Don't pack my lunch anymore, I'm buying that hot lunch that other kids get in my class." (Ya right, I can't even imagine how off the charts the sodium will be in school lunches. I'm guessing 3 days of her daily allotment...I'll have to look as this subject isn't dying down)

She mentally exhausts me!

Top of the morning to ya!

We got through the first week, but Dylin would like to know if it's now track break.
HA, big HA... we don't have track break till December. She said, "WHAT! I have to get up this early everyday?" I told her she has Saturday & Sundays off, but she wasn't haven it.
She loves her class and teachers but says "School is taking over my life!"
Every morning it's a struggle to get her up. Yesterday, she raised up her hand, pinched her fingers together and said, "give me this much more time, see this little bit right here, that's all I need." I went back in, she said, "URGH MOM, just 45 more seconds!"
I can't wait until she's a teenager.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Does anyone know where the bad robots live?

Dylin said she knows why she can't be nice at home and is mean to everyone.....
She said there are robots that control her and make her be mean. I asked her where the robots live, so I can go talk to them?
She said, "they are bad robots so we won't be able to find them, so it's not her fault."

Hot Sauce, Soap, Smack, Timeout.... It doesn't matter, the mouth fires off again!

So, we are at Jordyn's practice (doesn't she look so cute, we make sure we are always the good looking on any team, kidding, well no I'm not) and then.....
as we're sitting in the stands, Dylin proceeds to say outloud, "THAT GIRL STINKS, SHE CAN'T THROW OR CATCH THE BALL." I quickly grabbed her mouth and apologized out loud. She whips her head away from hand and says, "WHY'D YOU DO THAT?" I said, "Dylin that is SO mean, you don't say things about anyone, stop right now!" She immediately fires her mouth off again and says, "I'M BETTER THAN JORDYN." I grabbed her mouth with one hand and picked up her body and took her to the grass where I YES let her have it....but it didn't stop there. She proceeds to say, "WHAT I AM BETTER!" I said, "No you're not, shut your mouth now!" She says, "WHAT, YOU THINK I'M NOT GOOD? (starts crying) YOU'RE THE MEANEST MOM EVER AND I'M CALLING THE POLICE ON YOU."

This is a picture of her playing on the playground right before this all went down. Look closely she is sticking her tongue out at her Dad.

TP Paybacks!!

Paybacks aren't always good, but this one is funny. If you saw on a posting 2 weeks ago, on
T Day in our ABC's of Summer... we Toilet papered our Teachers house. Today we got paybacks. Jordyn & Lincoln's desks were toilet papered, and Tyler received a roll of toilet paper.
(he couldn't figure out what it was for - duh)

Monday, August 24, 2009

First Day of School

First day of school...
They all did great, I didn't. Selfishly I didn't want to get rid of Dylin, my sidekick. She assured me though that she was going to be much nicer to her friends than her family, that she wouldn't kick or hit anyone unless they started it, and that if the fire alarm goes off, she won't yell FIRE and scare the other kids. Isn't she so thoughtful?!

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Don't have your roller skating down? Dylin can show you what you might be missing...

Dylin and I struggled to get around the roller skating rink as I was holding her up in between my legs and then picking us up off the ground, sliding again back down and over and over again. She became frustrated and wanted a break. As we sat on the bench, she said, "I know why I'm not doing good." I said, "why?" She said, "Because on Hannah Montana, Jackson says you have to do this.... (she stood up, put her hands on her knees, puckered her lips together & waved her head & shoulders side to side) and when he did this, he was a good roller skater."

Thursday, August 20, 2009

She's got it figured out at 5...

Jordyn said, "Mom I think there are a few boys that like me." I said, "Oh, really how do you know?" "Well someone told me they all do." 
Dylin pops in... "Jordyn are they mean to you?" Jordyn abruptly says, "NO! Why would they be mean?"
Dylin says, "When boys like girls, they are mean to them and tease them!"

Wednesday, August 19, 2009


I know I know, sorry! With 3 sick kids, 2 doctors appointments & a biopsy...I knew some day would get screwed up.
I tried to make the end of the alphabet spectacular, but Y & Z were hard. 
We had YOU day, I let them pick out where we ate dinner & dessert. We knew we'd have frozen YOGURT and they picked al's garage. Our favorite bar food.

Friends Michael & Mackenzie for dinner, then Pippin boys joined for dessert.

For Z we took the sick kids (been going around the baseball team) to ZABA'S to eat. Then Dalton threw up. Oh didn't mention that before.... I was thrown up on by a stranger at the Little League game in Cali. This has been ONE ROUGH WEEK!!!

 THANKS for sharing in our Alphabet Adventures. It was fun. EVERY kid is asking what we are doing for track break. At least I have until December to think of that. We'll have a different theme to go by other than ABC's. 
Oh and Yes, Tyler you won the award for most miserable photos taken. He did have fun, but HATES HATE HATES pictures. 

Monday, August 17, 2009

Letter X Day

X was a hard one, I must say. We knew we are coming to California for the Little League Western Regional Finals for the World Series. The only thing we were hoping that would fit was X-tra innings. That didn't happen....but the boys did X-change collector Little League pins!! 

Friends - Michael, Reed, Dalton, Dru, Julian & Cristian
Only 3 more years until you'll be seeing these boys playing on this field!!!

So. California beat No. California in a GREAT game 11-4! It was a close game until several home runs were hit, way out of the park!

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Letter W Day

Today it was all about WATER & WAVES.... in New Port Beach.

My kids along with Cristian & Julian making sand castles

Love this picture of Jordyn 

This was Dylin right before she started throwing hand fulls of mudd on Cristian & Tyler's head. I had to put the camera down to scream at her, as she got it in their face & eyes. If I had kept snapping pictures, you would have seen Tyler turn into a monster....

...but I did snap this of that little sh!@ running for her life. Even in trouble she looks like a 
Bay Watch Babe!

Friday, August 14, 2009

Letter V Day

Friends for the day - Aquino & Farr kids...

The HOT little chickies

Spencer, Dylin & Jordyn
Lincoln & Tyler
Lisa & I

Finished off the day with VANILLA bean milkshakes...

Letter U Day

Sorry I'm a day behind.... couldn't get the activity accomplished, developed and now you'll see why I shouldn't have let the kids take all the pictures.
This is our UNDER water camera day!
Sorry kids these are the only ones that turned we are missing a few of you.



Tyler & Lincoln

half of Sammi, Jordyn & Spencer

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Letter T Day

We ate TACOS today, TOILET papered our TEACHERS house and ate breakfast at 11pm at 
T-birds. The kids were wiped out! 

First time toilet paperers (buddy is Lincoln) 

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Letter S Day

What do you know...Dylin got Sick on S day. We did pretty good getting this far in the alphabet. I thought for sure we'd end up in the Hospital on H or Doctors on D... I knew we couldn't make it all the way to Z without something. She is doing better as you can see she went to the Stratosphere with us. She did have a fever and most Moms would not dare take their child out, but remember Dylin is our miracle child that shouldn't be with us. So unless she refuses to do something, she goes along on every adventure any day in her life. 

Monday, August 10, 2009

Go Jordyn!!!

Just had to tell Jordyn I'm so proud of her. She is our quiet child that doesn't like to try new things. She has been in dance since she was 3 and got tired of competition dance so she took a break.....but now we are wondering if she's going back. She finally had the courage to try something new. She tried out for softball and LOVES it. It's fun seeing Tyler and her finding a bond together again. Plus look how dang cute she looks. =)

Letter R Day

We had RELAY RACES to keep cool, but nothing's easy in our home. We had to first take care of this guy that was inside one of the buckets....

Our QUIET letter Q Day