I know I know, sorry! With 3 sick kids, 2 doctors appointments & a biopsy...I knew some day would get screwed up.
I tried to make the end of the alphabet spectacular, but Y & Z were hard.
We had YOU day, I let them pick out where we ate dinner & dessert. We knew we'd have frozen YOGURT and they picked al's garage. Our favorite bar food.
Friends Michael & Mackenzie for dinner, then Pippin boys joined for dessert.
For Z we took the sick kids (been going around the baseball team) to ZABA'S to eat. Then Dalton threw up. Oh didn't mention that before.... I was thrown up on by a stranger at the Little League game in Cali. This has been ONE ROUGH WEEK!!!
THANKS for sharing in our Alphabet Adventures. It was fun. EVERY kid is asking what we are doing for track break. At least I have until December to think of that. We'll have a different theme to go by other than ABC's.
Oh and Yes, Tyler you won the award for most miserable photos taken. He did have fun, but HATES HATE HATES pictures.