Your Daily Dose

Welcome to my journal! This is the place where you'll get your Daily Doses of Dylin (8), A New Language called Jordyn (11) and the Mind Blowing Conversations with Tyler (12)!

Disclosure: YOU NEVER KNOW WHAT YOU'RE GOING TO READ!! Oh and my grammar stinks, but I don't really care. :)

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Letter W Day

Today it was all about WATER & WAVES.... in New Port Beach.

My kids along with Cristian & Julian making sand castles

Love this picture of Jordyn 

This was Dylin right before she started throwing hand fulls of mudd on Cristian & Tyler's head. I had to put the camera down to scream at her, as she got it in their face & eyes. If I had kept snapping pictures, you would have seen Tyler turn into a monster....

...but I did snap this of that little sh!@ running for her life. Even in trouble she looks like a 
Bay Watch Babe!